Kids’ Time did a lot of hiring this year to prepare for a rebound in student attendance post COVID-19. Our fresh staff joins a tenured group who have made a career of working with kids. Here’s a quick “getting-to-know-you” of some amazing staff members.

Name: McKinzie Welch
School: Fairview
Do you have any nicknames? Kinzie
Who is your favorite author? Alex Michaelides
What is your favorite book? The Secret Patient
Do you have any siblings? One brother
Please share your funniest story or memory with Kids’ Time. One of the girls drew me a picture and she didn’t even know me. She was just being nice.
What motivates you each morning? My future
How long have you worked at Kids’ Time? I just started –August 24, 2021
What do you enjoy most about working with children? Kids are so fun and being a part of them growing up is really cool.
Do you have any pets? Yes, two dogs. A shih tzu named Lexi and a French Bulldog named Gus
What is your favorite activity to do with family and friends? I love going to the zoo. That’s always fun!
If you could travel the world, where would you go and why? I would go to Fiji or Hawaii.

Name: Jailyn Trammell
School: Betz
Do you have any nicknames? Jay, JJ
Who is your favorite author? Rick Riordan
What is your favorite book? Percy Jackson Lightning Thief
Do you have any siblings? Yes! I have three, one sister and two brothers!
Please share your funniest story or memory with Kids’ Time. One time one of my kiddos was explaining why she doesn’t come to Kids’ Time in the summer. She said she “has beautiful grandparents that watch her all summer” We couldn’t help but laugh so hard at the way she said it.
What motivates you each morning? Getting to see the kids! They are always so bright and excited for kids time. Its so much fun getting to watch them grow!
How long have you worked at Kids’ Time? Only a couple months so far!
What do you enjoy most about working with children? Seeing them turn into their own person. Everyday they are discovering more about the world and also themselves.
Do you have any pets? I sure do! I have three dogs, and a cat
What is your favorite activity to do with family and friends? We LOVE to go saltwater fishing! Every time we go home to visit we spend the entire day out on the ocean.
Do you collect anything? My husband and I collect Funko Pops.
If you could travel the world, where would you go and why? I would go to Greece. All the landmarks, and history would be amazing to see in person.
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