Foundation Board

Our Board represents a longtime commitment to Bellevue Public Schools. We have a passion for the students, teachers, and staff. We are working hard to impact student success and ensure that dollars raised directly impact students.

Board Officers

Dr. Anna Fisher, President

Shawn Riddle, Vice President

Lisa Taylor-Jones, Secretary

Ron Giller, Treasurer

Heath Paulsen, Assistant Treasurer

Amanda Oliver, BPS District

Dr. Jeff Rippe, Superintendent

Susan Hester, Ex Officio

Board Members-at-Large

Jennifer Allred​

Jeremy Anderson

Scott Eby


Walter Griffiths

Dr. Gregg Hoogeveen

Dr. Robert Moore


Cory Parker

Tracy Schaefer

Ben “Felix” Ungerman


Melissa Valek

Rachel Van Sciver

Patty Wessling

Nina Wolford

Board Overview

A board member’s role is to ensure the organization’s resources are used to achieve its mission. This includes the duties of care, loyalty and obedience.

  • Duty of care: A board member is responsible for participating in decision-making on behalf of the organization and must exercise independent judgment while doing so. These decisions must be informed, meaning the Board member should make efforts to become familiar with the relevant, available facts.
  • Duty of loyalty: When acting on behalf of an organization, Board members must set aside their own interests, whether professional or personal, or the interests of any other organization. Simply put, the nonprofit organization must come first.
  • Duty of obedience: Board members have a responsibility to be faithful to the organization’s stated mission and not to act or use its resources in incompatible ways or purposes.

All (Board members) are expected to attend Board and committee meetings, financially support the Foundation, actively promote the BPS Foundation, and encourage and support its staff.

The Board meets 10 times a year on the third Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. Meetings are typically held at the BPS Support Center (2820 Arboretum Drive) but may be subject to change due to District conflicts. Committee meetings are scheduled monthly or as needed.

The Nominating Committee will collect nominees for members at large on the BPS Foundation Board of Directors. Board members are elected for a term of approximately four (4) years each. No director may serve more than two (2) such approximately four-year terms on the Foundation’s Board of Directors. After elections, informational meetings with new members will be scheduled.


We look forward to hearing from you.


Interested in becoming part of the BPS Foundation Board of Directors? Please contact Jon Costello, Executive Director of BPS Foundation, for details about board opportunities.

Jon Costello – Executive Director